Create a registration form

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Registration laws in some countries stipulate that guests have to fill out a registration form when they arrive in the hotel.

This registration form can be created as a PDF in protel Air. You can then print it and have it filled out by the guest. Data such as room number, arrival and departure date are taken from the reservation. If the guest profile includes address and contact data, these details will also be filled in when printing the registration form.

The registration form can be created in the arrivals list, reservation list and in the reservation summary.

Create registration form(s) in the reservation and arrival lists

  1. Look for the reservation in the respective list.

  2. Then click on the button [Print Tasks] and select “Registration Form.”

You can print numerous registration forms simultaneously with the aid of the multiple selection function to mark numerous reservations at the same time.

If you want to print numerous registration forms,  the forms will be printed in the sequence in which the rooms had been booked.

Create registration form(s) in the "reservation summary" dialog box

  1. Open the reservation summary dialog box for the desired reservation, e.g., by double-clicking on the reservation or by means of the context menu.

  2. In the reservation summary, click on [Print Tasks] and then on “Registration Form.”

Registration form dialog box

Figure: Registration form dialog box





Select the language in which the registration form is to be created.
(only required if the target language differs from the preset language of the default template.)

Template type

Select a template type.
(only required if the desired template type deviates from the standard template type.)


If you use various templates for your registration form, select the appropriate template here.

Single page

When the check box has been selected, protel Air will print every registration form on a single page in A 4 format.
If you remove the check mark, even two registration forms can be printed on a single A4 format page In this case, the registration form will have to be generated in A5 format (Standard).


Background information about the registration form:

The default text for the electronic reservation confirmation is defined in the system data under “Text Templates > Tab “Settings” > Default Settings > Hotel management > “Registration Form.”

If the reservation includes several guests, please note the following:

  • If you select a room in the “Rooms” tab, the data of the assigned guest will be included in the registration form. Entry fields on the registration form will stay empty if no guest has been assigned to the room.

  • If you have selected a guest in the guest tab, the registration form is created for this guest.

All entry fields that haven’t been filled in by protel Air automatically, will need to be filled in by the guest.

If required, the accompanying person will also have to be filled in manually.

For regular guests with completely filled in guest profiles, registration forms can be prepared before the guests arrive. This way the guest only needs to sign the filled in and printed registration form.


Further information regarding the configuration of the registration form template:
System data > Text templates > Settings


Dealing with the registration form for anonymous guests


 This function is currently only available for the special version of protel Air HTML. When wanting to use the function, contact your partner or the  protel Cloud Support  - we'd be more than happy to help

For room type reservations with several "anonymous guests", protel Air prints out an empty registration for each anonymous guest by default. 
Upon request, a mutual registration form containing the name of the first guest (if available), can be printed out. If all of the guests in a room are anonymous, the booker will be used.

Please contact  the Cloud Support Team when wanting to use this feature!