You can find the updated instructions for them in the new protel Air Online Help. Please note: The migration process is still ongoing. Therefore you may still be able to use some functions as described in this Online Help. For this reason, we will not delete this Online Help yet. If you have any questions, please contact your support!
[System data > Housekeeping]
The Housekeeping module supports you in efficiently deploying your housekeeping attendant teams. Define which attendants are responsible for which parts of the building, and how much time your attendants have for the various tasks. Create a attendant sheet at the push of a button, which automatically assigns the available attendant to the respective rooms and building parts.
The attendant sheets can be based on various criteria, such as the minimum number of rooms to be cleaned per attendant or the maximum applicable points or time value per attendant. On request, the sheet can be set up for specific building parts, floors, corridors or rooms. The currently available resources and the current occupancy rate of the hotel are always taken into account.
For optimal staff planning, the hotel can create a time or points system that defines what points or time value is calculated for a particular task or room category (for example, 1 point for a standard double room with the room status 'dirty', 2 points for a Suite, etc.). Attendants can be entered in the system by specifying the names, the preferred rooms or building parts, and the potential work performance in time or point values.
Benefit: The Housekeeping module supports the hotel in the planning, organization and automation of housekeeping operations. Especially hotels with a large number of rooms benefit from the ability to distribute tasks to their housekeeping attendant teams and automated creation of attendant sheets.
Each hotel can decide individually, whether points or minutes are to be used as a unit for calculating and planning attendant tasks and sheets.
For attendant planning, you can enter both points and minutes. For the attendant sheet, minutes are used as the standard calculation basis. If the attendant sheet is to be created on the basis of points, please configure as follows:
XSetup HousekeepingPoints = true
Configuration path = Configuration/currentProperty/propData/housekeeping / usePoints
Use the following user rights to manage the admittance of users to the housekeeping functions:
Adding Housekeeping Attendants Allowed = PAirSDAddHskAttendants
Editing Housekeeping Attendants Allowed = PAirSDEditHskAttendants
Adding Housekeeping Sections Allowed = PAirSDAddHskSections
Editing Housekeeping Sections Allowed = PAirSDEditHskSections
Adding Housekeeping Attendant Sheets Allowed = PAirAddAttendantSheets
Deleting Housekeeping Attendant Sheets Allowed = PAirDeleteAttendantSheets
In the action log protel Air records which user created an attendant sheet with which parameters.
User, date, and time
Action: attendant sheet created (from / to)
System data > Housekeeping | Sections
System data > Housekeeping | Attendants
System data > Housekeeping | Room
Front Office > Housekeeping | Attendant
Front Office > Housekeeping | Sample
Front Office > Housekeeping | Housekeeping