Rate Groups (Rate Levels)

[System data > Rates > Rate groups]


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General Advice

Rate groups contain the following field specific to BWI once the BWI interface has been installed (yellow mark in screen shot):

Figure: Fields specific to BWI in rate groups


Fields specific to BWI (UDFs) in rate groups

BWI send this rate group to CRS?

Labeling, if the rate code's guarantee conditions will be sent to the CRS.

Yes = The rate group will be used in protel and in the CRS

No = The rate group will be used in protel and in the CRS, but rate updates will not be transmitted because BWI does not permit this in the CRS.

local = this rate group is only in protel. Neither rate updates and guarantee conditions, nor availabilities will be transmitted to the CRS for this rate group.

Local rate groups

This is how you mark rate groups for local rates:

  • Please set the user defined field BWI send this rate group to CRS? to "local"
    (local is used for rate codes which are only in protel. Reservations using local rates will be transmitted to the CRS as rate code "HP" (House Plan).

BWI Rate Groups (Level A-...)

All of the rate groups listed in the pre-implementation package must be entered. The number of levels which you will need to enter can be taken from the "RATE LEVELS" tab.

Figure: RATE LEVES tab in the pre-implemenation package. The figure shown uses
Level A-F.


BWI Rate Groups (e.g.: Level A)


Abbreviation of the rate group (e.g., LVLA)

The writing in capital letters is very important for the abbreviation.


Marking for the rate group (e.g., Level A)


Please set to "1-BAR" for all rate group

Available on the Internet

Always select the check mark next to "Available on the Internet"

BWI send this rate group to CRS?

Please set to Yes

Example LVLA rate:

Figure: BWI rate groups in protel's system data