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Via the active desktop

Every time you start protel Air, it will open with the active desktop. In the lower list of the active desktop you can immediately see all expected departures on the current day.

  1. Move the mouse over the departures list in the active desktop and right-click the reservation you’d like to check out.

  2. Afterwards, click on "Check out":


Check out via room plan

  1. Select the reservation in the room plan and right-click the reservation. The context menu opens.

  2. Click on "check out".

  1. The respective room with all associated guests will be checked out.

Check out via the departures list

Open the departures list by clicking on "Lists > Departures.”

NOTE: You can open the departures list in various display modes:


Display at room level. Rooms are displayed only once even if the room is booked for one or more guests. This is useful if you’d like to check out all guests for a particular room at the same time.


Display at guest level. Each guest is listed individually. A room, reserved for several guests, will be displayed more than once (once per guest). Select this option if you’d like to check out one guest of a room which is reserved for several guests.

a) Individual Check-out

  1. Open the departures list. By default, the list opens with the current (protel Air) date.When checking out each guest individually, it is recommended to view the list on guest level. The display mode is irrelevant if the room is booked for only one guest.

  2. Look for the reservation that you would like to check out. To do so, use one of the search fields (Name or Room/Type) or the cancellation possibilities (compare with chapter entitled "Elements & Functions > Column settings > Sort columns").

  3. Select the guest/room in the departure list and click on the [Check out] button located at the bottom of the reservation summary dialog box.

  4. If there are still balances due, the respective notice will appear. Confirm the notice by clicking on "Show invoices".

  5. The invoice summary shows all items and invoices of the entire group reservation. These can be opened, edited and/or closed..

b) Group Check-out

  1. Open the departures list. By default, the list opens with the current (protel Air) date.When checking out a group, it may be helpful to view the list on
    room level, as this will show all rooms only once.

  2. Make a multiple selection of all rooms for the group (or of all group members if you are viewing the list on guest level) that you’d like to check out.

  3. Select the [Check out] button located at the bottom of the reservation summary dialog box.

  4. If there are still balances due for individual group members, the respective notice will appear. Confirm the notice by clicking on "Show invoices".

  5. The invoice summary shows all items and invoices of the entire group reservation. These can be opened, edited and/or closed..

Check out via the reservation summary

  1. Double-click in the reservation in the room plan to open the reservation summary:

  1. Select a room and click the [Check out] button.