You can find the updated instructions for them in the new protel Air Online Help. Please note: The migration process is still ongoing. Therefore you may still be able to use some functions as described in this Online Help. For this reason, we will not delete this Online Help yet. If you have any questions, please contact your support!
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable]
For many hotels, accounts receivable invoices make up a large part of their bookkeeping. All invoices, that have been checked out with a debit payment method or a credit card are directly transferred into the new accounts receivable module - that is the module which manages open posts. For all invoices on account, a debtor account (on invoice) is opened automatically for the invoice recipient. Credit card receivables are summarized on a collective account for each credit card.
Accounts receivable management enables you to:
manage accounts receivable with open amounts
manage collective accounts for credit card receivable
booking cash receivable (also for partial payments)
enter commissions (discounts)
transfer receivables
combine accounts
print bank statements and list of accounts receivable
payment reminders
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable]
In order to be able to execute the following settings, the logged-in user will need to access the following program points: System data > POS > Payment methods.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable ]
After accessing the accounts receivable management, you will receive a clear list of all of the accounts receivable that are outstanding. The open amounts are then scaled based on time period (30/60/90/120 days), so that one can directly see how "old" the displayed debts are.
In the last column you can see the total debt per debtor.
All of the single and collective accounts are displayed (credit card accounts).
The displayed columns can also be shown or hidden arbitrarily (learn more).
This symbol in front of an account basically
means that there are additional entries for this account.
With a double click, you can open all of the collective accounts and view all of the subordinate entries.
Payments and cancellations will be displayed in red font.
Paid off debtors with balanced debts will be displayed in gray and cursive font.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Overview tab]
By clicking on the [Print Tasks] button located at the lower half of the window, you can do the following:
print account analysis for all accounts receivable
print AR statement for a selected debtor
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Overview tab> Print tasks]
At the bottom right, click on [Print account analysis]. protel Air then creates a PDF-file of the open debtors, based on the due date, divided into 30 day, 31-60 day, 61-90 day, 91-120 day > 120 day periods
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Overview > Print tasks]
In the overview, select an account and click on the Print tasks > Print AR statement. protel Air then creates a statement containing all of the created invoices and outstanding amounts for the selected account.
The new text
template for AR statements can be found in the system data (Documents
> Templates > AR Statement (HTML5 only)).
[Cash register > Accounts receivable > Overview]
In the lower left side of the window, click on [Open profile] to open the guest profile with the "Receivables" tab opened.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable]
You can balance (or partially balance) one or more open amounts for a debtor in incoming payments tab.
If you access the incoming payment, the window will initially be empty. With the aid of the filter, you can set which accounts are to be displayed in the incoming payment tab.
To update the display, hit the
<Enter> key or click on the magnifying glass
located at the
upper right corner of the window. If a filter criterion has not
been set, all of the open accounts receivable will be displayed.
Double click on an account receivable in the Overview
tab, the payment tab will open automatically for
the chosen account!
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments]
![]() |
If you are searching for a certain account, you can enter the account number (or part of it) here. Example: Enter "K10", and all of the accounts which start with this sequence will be displayed. |
![]() |
If you are searching for an explicit invoice, enter the invoice number (or part of it) here. The invoice prefix can be left out when entering the invoice number. Example: Enter "14. All of the invoices beginning with or containing this number (e.g., RE_ 1453 or RE_2314) will be displayed. Hint: You can sort the tables in either ascending or descending order by clicking the column’s header (Invoice no.) |
![]() |
Display of the accounts receivable based on the value date, i.e., based on the value of the asset. |
Explicitly search the accounts receivable management for the Name of the invoice recipient. |
Set a check mark to the filter you want to use: |
Payment method: Filter the displayed accounts receivable for a Method of Payment, by selecting a method of payment in the selection box. Only the debit methods of payment can be selected (=accounts receivable) |
Amount: Search the accounts receivable management for the Invoice Amount.
Status: By selecting the respective check box, only open or only booked out accounts will be displayed. If both of the check boxes have been selected, all of the accounts will be shown. Paid off accounts receivable with will be displayed in gray and cursive font. |
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments]
As soon as a payment has been made, select the respective account in the Incoming payments tab. At the lower part of the window, you will see the area needed or booking the payment.
Commission: This section is for the posting of commissions (see following section: "Credit card accounts")
Select the payment method for the booking from the Payment selection box.
The Payment date is already preset with the protel Air-System date. Change the date, if payment is to be executed on another day.
The open invoice amount has already been entered as a payment amount. When dealing with an installment, you can also enter here the amount of the installment (for more information, go to section on “Installments”.
In the Payment text field to the right , you can add additional texts about the payment. This text will be saved in the “Payment text” column.
Afterwards, click [Book] to proceed with the booking.
The assets will be balanced respectively and the debtor will be paid off - it disappears from the open list (to show paid off accounts receivable, select the "Booked" checkbox from the status selection list).
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments]
Credit card payments will be automatically put into a credit card collective account if the credit card payment type has been marked as debtor in the system data.
For credit card payments, you can also book commissions (service fees for the credit card provider) and enter them as a percentage or a fixed value.
When booking commissions, first select the transaction account (TAA) on which the booking is to take place:
The account used here must be stored
in the system data (Options > System data > Articles).
Then, enter the commission as a percentage or as an actual amount. When using percentages, the amount of commission is automatically calculated and entered into the amount field.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments]
When dealing with installments, simply overwrite the open invoice amount with the amount of the installment. This amount will then will be booked as a payment in advance and deducted from the invoice amount. The debtor account remains open with the balance.
If you select an account from the overview, you will have more tasks available for the account:
By clicking the right mouse button, open "More tasks"...
...or by clicking the button
Opens the invoice overview for the selected account.
Opens the guest profile for the selected account.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments > More tasks]
Should numerous invoices be paid together, you can select the respective invoices via multiple selection, create a batch by clicking the [More tasks > Create batch] button, and then pay them off together. For this batched booking, protel Air automatically generates a batch which includes all debts and payments.
Only accounts with the same "Reference" will be batched
(for credit card accounts, e.g., only Amex with Amex, Visa with
Visa, etc.) or debts belonging to a mutual account.
Different account numbers CANNOT be batched.
The Batch type is marked with this symbol:
A double-click on a batch shows all of the accounts receivable and payments contained in the batch.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments > More tasks]
To transfer an open item to another account, select the respective line and choose “Transfer item” from the [More tasks] list.
The guest search then appears where you can search for the debtor's profile to which you would like to transfer to.
Batched accounts can be separated again by selecting the batch in the overview and then clicking the [More tasks > Dissolve batch] button.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments/Payment history > Additional tasks]
Should a debtor be booked by mistake, the payment can be voided:
Display all of the “booked
out” accounts: Activate the Status
and select the "Booked out" checkbox:
Click on the magnifying glass to
update the list.
Search the list for the respective account.
Double click on the
symbol in front of the account in order to
list the booked payments.
Select the booking you would like to delete (booked payments will be shown in red font).
At the bottom of the window, click the [More tasks] > Void payment.
Afterwards, a cross-entry via the payment methods with which the debtor was paid off, will be created. At the same time, the debtor will be opened again so that the correct booking can follow.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments > More tasks]
Has a payment reminder fee been sent to an open debtor, look further below: "Payment reminder" the reminder fee can be placed separately into the invoice.
In the Accounts receivable management, look for the debtor in the incoming payments tab for which you would like to post a payment reminder.
Hint: The amount of the fee can
be taken from the reminder fee
column - see following illustration.
Click on Post reminder fee. protel Air will then create a passerby invoice in which the invoice recipient is already included.
The passerby invoice opens with the entry € 0.00, where an item which had been previously created item (e.g., payment reminders) with the due amount, will need to be posted - see next illustration.
Has the payment reminder been paid, the passerby invoice will be checked
out (to do so, click on the > Check
out located in the passerby invoice).
checking out the invoice for the payment reminder fee, make sure
that you do not select a debit method of payment (e.g., bank transfer)!
This avoids any further open debtors from occurring.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments > Print tasks]
Select an account from the overview in order print an account statement of all receivables. Click on Print tasks > Print account summary.
When working with credit card batched
accounts, all of the receivables from the respective reservations will
be shown here together.
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable > Incoming payments > Print tasks]
Print a complete list of the accounts receivable visible in the window.
Click on Print tasks > Print Accounts receivable report.
protel Air prints the list exactly the way you see it on your monitor (WYSIWYG), considering all of the set filters and display options. You can show or hide certain columns or change the order and this will be taken into account when printing the document.
[Cash Register > Accounts Receivable]
All of the booked out debtors are displayed by default in the payment history.
Incoming payments can also be deleted here (see above, section: Void payment).
Background information about the Debtor account number
The debtor account number is
compiled of the letter “K” + the guest profile’s ID number. If
you would like to use your own range of numbers or combine several
guest profiles to one account receivable (for instance several
profiles of a company are meant to have a single debtor account)
you can now enter account receivable numbers yourself. (Guest
profile > Invoices > Receivables >)
[Cash Register > Accounts Receivable > Payment reminder tab]
In the payment reminder, all of the debts appear which, based on the definition of the reminder code, are due, i.e., after the due date is reached the respective payment reminder must be initiated. By means of the [Payment reminder] button, all of the payment reminders and for a selected debtor can be generated and sent. Debts for which payment reminders cannot be generated (cannot be dunned) will be displayed in red font. This occurs when the respective payment reminder code is allotted in the guest profile, or by setting the respective check mark in the respective payment reminder check box (see below).
[Cash Register > Accounts receivable]
To actively use the payment reminders, there are a few pre-settings which will need to be done in the system data.
[Cash Register > Accounts Receivable > Payment reminder]
The following information will be displayed for each accounts receivable:
Account, Invoice number, and Invoice date
Name of debtor
Open balance
Days open: Number of days the balance is open
Days left: Number of days until the next reminder
Reminder levels: Payment reminder level reached. Has a debtor not yet been reminded, then the payment reminder level is 0.
Reminder date: This is the deadline when the payment reminder is due, i.e., a payment reminder can be created as of this date. The reminder date is automatically calculated based o the invoice date and the payment reminder code. (provided that the invoice date has not been manually overwritten).
Invoice date: 1.1.2016
Reminder levels 1 starting at 14 days
Reminder date: 15 January 2016
By means of the filter you can search the accounts receivable for special features.
In addition to the default filters (From/to,
Reminder codes), there are several filters you can show via clicking
the More-Menu .
Set the checkmark to show the respective filter.
In the following example the filter "Level" has been set:
Fig.: Show only accounts receivable with level 2.
[Cash Register > Accounts Receivable > Payment reminder]
Select an accounts receivable and click on the [Payment reminder] button.
These possibilities are available in the dialog box:
Payment reminder dialog box |
Set reminder level to... |
When opening the dialog box, the current reminder code level for the accounts receivable will be displayed here. Has a debtor not yet been reminded, then the payment reminder level is 0. You can also manually increase the reminder code. |
Last reminder date |
This is where the most recently calculated reminder date is displayed |
New reminder date |
The new reminder date is automatically calculated. It can be adjusted manually. |
Payment reminder not necessary |
By selecting this check box, the selected debtor will not receive a payment reminder (appears in the list in red) |
Select a template and language. Print distribution ODT: Generates a file in .odt format. The file can then be saved and edited using Open Office. Increase reminder level after print: By selecting this check box, the payment reminder level will be automatically increased one level and the reminder date will be adjusted respectively. This checkbox should normally be activated. |
Use one easy step to send several payment reminders. To do so, select the accounts that are to receive a payment reminder by holding down the <Ctrl> button and select the individual accounts by clicking on them. Afterwards, click the [Payment reminder] button.
The Payment reminder dialog complies with the above mentioned dialog box, only the Set reminder level to and Last reminder date entry fields are missing. Because the debtors can have varying reminder levels, the reminder level will be increased by one level up if the Increase reminder level after print checkbox has been selected.
The payment reminder fee will not be posted separately, but rather displayed in the payment reminder only for "informative" purposes. You can, however, post the payment reminder fee separately, by creating a passerby invoice (see above: "Passerby invoice" tab > More tasks > Post payment reminder fee).
Standard text templates for payment reminders can be found in the protel Air System data (Flash) under Options > System data > Text templates > Payment reminders.
In the reminder history, already created (sent) payment reminders can be reviewed. This will help you see when you sent a payment reminder to the invoice recipient.