Delivery communications

[System data > System > Delivery communications]

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You can have multiple delivery communication methods which protel Air can access. The supported delivery communication methods are Dropbox and SFTP access.

Key features and benefits

Required user rights

Users who have been assigned the pAirCustomerAdminRole are automatically allowed to access the Delivery Communications feature.

You can make the function available to other users by granting the appropriate privileges to them.

Available right



Enables the user to access the menu point  System data > System > Delivery communications.


Enables the user to add a new delivery communication type (activates the Add button in the Delivery communications dialog box).


Enables the user to delete an existing delivery communication type  (activates the Delete button in the Delivery communications dialog box).


Enables the user to edit an existing delivery communication type  (activates the Edit button in the Delivery communications dialog box).

Related topics

Create and edit user roles

Assign user roles


When working with your own hotel specific user roles, you can add the right as follows:

  1. Open the program point System > User administration > User roles.

  2. Double click on the user role to which you would like to add the right.

  3. Once you are in the role, click on the Rights tab.

  1. Enter ConfidentialRate into the search field - see following figure.

  1. Expand the group in the left part of the window.

  1. Select the appropriate right and click on the plus sign to add it to the role.

  2. Clear the search field to see all of the assigned rights.

You can also create an exclusive "Delivery Communications" role. The advantage of doing this is that the roles can be "individually" issued to certain users.

Configuring Dropbox as communication method

In order to configure Dropbox as communication method in protel Air, you need to register for a Dropbox account.


  1. In protel Air, open the menu System data > System > Delivery communications.

  2. Click on Add.

  3. A new window opens, where you can enter a name of your choice for the Dropbox connection (the name has to be unique).

  4. Select DROPBOX as the Type.

  1. Click on Save. The button Link dropbox account now appears below.

  1. Click on Link dropbox account. Then, simply follow the instructions in the in the browser tab that opens up.

  1. Close the dialog box as soon as the connection has been configured successfully, which will be confirmed by a message in the browser tab.

  1. Call up the settings for the end of day routine [Office > End of day > End of day: reports and lists]. Here you can define, whether a list or a report should be sent to your Dropbox (see screenshot below).


The respective lists and reports are then sent to your Dropbox as part of the end of day routine. You can access them from all of your devices linked to your Dropbox (smartphone, netbook, etc.).

Configuring SFTP access as communication method

Contrary to FTP, SFTP offers an encrypted connection and establishes a single direct connection between client (here: protel Air) and server. The data transfer runs via SSH (encrypted data transfer) - the server must support SSH for this.

In protel Air, it's really easy to connect to an SFTP server. You first need the IP address or the host name, as well as the access data.

  1. In protel Air, go to System data > System > Delivery communications.

  2. Click Add.

  3. In the window that opens, enter an arbitrary name for the connection to the server. The name should not have yet been used.

  4. For the Type, select SFTP.

  1. An additional window area opens in which you have to enter the login details to access the SFTP server.

Hints for filling out the form fields


Enter the IP address or the DNS name of the SFTP server.


Enter the port on which the SFTP server is configured on the target system. 22 is the default for SFTP. However, this can differ in some cases. Ask your provider or IT administrator for more information about this.

Remote directory

Enter the directory in which the files are to be stored, e.g. /userimport/sftp. The indicated directory needs to have been created beforehand.


Enter the SFTP username.


If the server uses a password for SSH access, enter the password of the SFTP user here. Your provider or IT administrator will give you the password.

The password field can remain empty if you identify yourself with a private key (see below).

Private key

If the server uses a login via a key pair (public-key authentication), enter the private key here. Ask your provider or IT administrator for the key.

The key field can remain empty if you authenticate yourself with a password (see above).

Key passphrase

If the private key is additionally encrypted with an passphrase, enter it here. The passphrase can consist of several words.

  1. To save all of the entries you have made, click the Save button.

  2. Click the Validate button, to check the entered settings. You will then receive a message indicating whether the connection to the SFTP server has been established.

At the EOD, the corresponding lists and reports are then uploaded to the SFTP server's folder and can be downloaded by any user who has access to the server.

Connecting to Amazon S3

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a secure, high-performance cloud storage service. With Amazon S3, you can store and access any amount of data from anywhere on the Internet at any time. So-called buckets are used to upload and store data in Amazon S3. protel Air allows you to set up a connection to an S3 bucket as a storage location of your end of day reports and lists.

To do this, create a new type of data transmission as described below. Of course you need to have access to a valid Amazon S3 bucket

  1. Make sure you have a S3 key pair. To continue, you will need both the Access Key ID and the Secret Key from your S3 console website. Similar to a user name and password, you need to use them to authenticate yourself.
    Access keys are created and managed on Users page of IAM Management Console.

  1. In protel Air, go to System data > System > Delivery communications.

  1. Create a new delivery communication type by clicking the Add button.

  2. In the window that opens, enter an arbitrary Name for the S3 connection into the ID line. The name should not have been assigned yet.

  3. For the Type, select AMAZONS3.

  1. An additional window area opens in which you have to enter the Amazon S3 credentials.

Figure: System data > System > Delivery Communications: Setting up Amazon S3 connection.


Bucket name

Name of the S3 bucket with which you would like to connect.

Access key

The public part of the access key credential for the Amazon user that the system uses to access the cloud storage.

Secret key

Enter the private part of the Amazon credential that the system uses to authenticate the system to cloud storage.


The region that is used to both access and store data on cloud storage.

  1. To save all of the entries you have made, click the Save button.

  1. Click the Validate button to check the entered settings. You will then receive a message indicating whether the connection to the S3 Bucket has been established.

  2. Click on Close after you have successfully created your connection. The new type for the connection appears in the Delivery communications window as AMAZON3.

Related topics

Learn how to set which reports and lists are saved in Dropbox or sent to an SFTP server during EOD procedure:

Office > End of day > End of day: reports and lists > Reports and Lists Setup (Automatic Report Transmission)

Delivery Communications