What do I need to keep in mind for each protel Air update?

Almost every update has new user rights. Please keep the following in mind:


Check the protel Air Update-News to see if the update contains new user rights. Each new right is automatically contained in the pAir Front Office role (unless the update news explicitly tells you about respective exceptions).

If a user with the pAir Front Office role does not have access to a newly added right, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a new user role (see section Creating and editing user roles). Assign the role all of the privileges which the user is to have.

  2. Assign the user the newly created role (see section Assigning user roles).

  3. Remove the old pAir Front Office role for the user as follows:

- Select the user and open the User roles tab.

- Select the pAir Front Office role and click on [Delete].

If a user is to have access to a newly added right with the pAir Front Office right, you will not need to do anything because the pAir Front Office roll automatically contains all of the newly developed rights (should there be exceptions to this rule, the protel Air Update-News will provide you with the necessary information).

If a user with a hotel specific role (= a custom made right which was manually added for the hotel or hotel group) is to have access to the new right, you will need to edit the role and reassign the new right.

If a user with a hotel specific role does not have access to a newly added right, you will not need to do anything.