Guest profile

[System data Hotel management Guest profile (Flash)]

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In the "Salutations" register, you can create all of the salutations that you would like to use in your guest profiles.

Add salutation

By means of the "Add" button, the "New salutation" window opens. Enter both the long and short forms of your salutation and a description of your salutation. Translations of your salutations can be entered  by means of the globe icon.

Would you like to create a salutation without releasing it for general use? Just remove the checkmark from the "Active" check box. The salutation is then deactivated and is not available until reactivated.

Verify your entries with "OK" an the new salutation will be adopted in the overview.



Here you will find a list with all of the available countries in the system.


Mark a country by selecting the "Favorite" check box in front of the respective country. The respective country is added to its individual list of countries, which will be shown to you in the guest profile. This saves you time when allotting the respective country from your country list.

Country name

Full name of the country (cannot be edited).

Country code

Country code for the country (cannot be edited).


You can allocate a standard system language for each country. Useful: When deploying an IDS interface and transmitting and allocating a country, protel Air automatically saves the standard language to the guest profile.

Example: Transmitted country - India >>>  saved language for India in protel Air: English >>> The guest profile will be created with the language “English”.

For countries without an assigned standard language, the selected standard language in protel Air will be utilized.


If you remove the checkmark, the respective country will no longer be in your selection.

Regional Statistics

If you are required by law to mark your guests with special Country codes, you can set up these codes here.

Click on [Add] to add a new country code.

Example: Country code for North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany based on tourism statistical regulation in Austria:

Hint: Via the "Sort sequence" field, you can use the the entered values to individually determine the sequence of the country codes.

1)  Upon request, you can ask our support to create preset codes for Austria and Switzerland.
2) For evaluation, go to “Reporting.” Select the "regional statistics" report here.


Codes help you to categorize your guests. There are several catalogues available for this which you can respectively adjust and extend to meet your needs.

Save certain Key words, VIP and marketing codes to the system data which can be later used by individual guests. By means of the data export function, you can create an export file which will later help you create a mail merge externally with your mail program. Key words can be, for example: Regular guest, returning guest, golfer, rider, etc.

Contact data

This is where you can add additional contact types for your guest profiles. The contact information marked with an * are set by the system as default.

Create a new contact type via [Add].

By setting the check mark to Always visible, the new contact type will appear in each guest profile by default. If not selected, the contact type can be added as need arises.

Insert additional Contact types into text templates

Contact types which you have individually added can also be used as replacement codes in your text templates:


Standard Wild Cards

Wild cards for additional contact cards



${}, ${}, ${}, ....



${guest.phones(1)}, ${guest.phones(2)}, ${guest.phones(3)}, ...



${guest.mobilePhones(1)}, ${guest.mobilePhones(2)}, ${guest.mobilePhones(3)}, ...



${guest.faxess(1)}, ${guest.faxess(2)}, ${guest.faxess(3)}, ...



${guest.skypes(1)}, ${guest.skypes(2)}, ${guest.skypes(3)}, ...

Tags / VIP codes/Marketing codes

Use the "Add" button to add tags, VIP codes, or marketing codes, click the "Add" button. In the following dialog box, enter the tag name and eventually a description. Confirm with "OK" and your new tag will be adopted by the overview  . In the guest search, the contact data is displayed in a separate column.

Marketing-Code "WBE-Login": This marketing code is automatically allocated by the system if a WBE Login   has been created and sent by means of the guest profile.

Document types

This is where you can enter which document types are to be available in your system, for example special travel documents such as a passport, visa, etc. The documents entered here can be assigned to the guest profile in the "Extended > Documents" tab.

Membership cards

[System data > Profiles > Codes >Membership Cards]

If your hotel participates in special hotel loyalty programs, you can compile the membership cards that are used for the loyalty program. These can consist of either the hotel’s own loyalty cards or special hotel bonus programs offered by hotel chains.

 NOTE: Each card can be entered here. In a separate step, you can determine what information is to be saved together with each card (System data > User defined fields > Membership cards).

Adding new membership cards

Click on [Add] to create a new membership card for a loyalty program member.

The following entries are possible in the membership card dialog box (fields marked by * are mandatory).




Enter a name, for example, Silver Passport, Gold Elite, Platiumn Member, etc...

Short name*

Allocate a short name, e.g., “Silver”, etc.


Short description, e.g., what advantages does the respective membership offer...

Sorting order

Via the value entered here, you can individually determine the order of the membership cards individually: The display of the membership card occurs based on the figure entered. The smallest figure (1) will always be displayed in the first position.


By removing the check, a membership card can be deactivated.

(optional, varies from card issuer to card issuer!)

If the card number is supposed to undergo specific validation, you can determine the validation method to be used, here. Usually, the validation method to be used is determined by the card issuer.

  1. Select the validation method from the drop-down menu.

  • Regular Expression: Determines the admissible format for a card number. You receive this information directly from the card issuer.

  • Length: Enter the maximum length the card number is to have. Example: Card number is allowed to have a length between 7 and 9 digits.

  • Mod 7 / 10: Allocates the calibration method. This information comes directly from the card issuer.

  1. Click on [Add] to save the validation.

  2. Click on [OK].

  3. Log off and log on once, so that the changes you have made will be adopted and displayed!


Membership cards can contain various types of information. For in-house cards, you determine the information yourself; for cards which are issued by hotel cooperations, etc., the contents are determined by the card issuer.


Related Information

Use the user defined fields to determine which information is to be gathered and saved:
(System data > User defined fields > Membership cards)

How to allocate certain membership cards to your guest will be explained in more detail here: Guest profile > Extended > Membership Cards.


The country, nationality, and language you set here, is preset for each newly generated guest profile. Of course they can be changed for each newly generated guest.