User defined fields

[System data System User-defined fields]

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As an add-on for existing data fields, protel Air offers the possibility of creating your own so-called user-defined fields. Using the fields can help you capture information that has been especially tailored to meet your needs.

Add new fields

  1. Open the system data menu and click System > User-defined Fields

  2. Select the desired element from the tree-view.

  1. Click the [+] symbol to add a new UDF to the respective element.

  1. Enter a new identifier. The identifier locates the field in the system and can not be changed afterwards.

  2. Select a Type. The Type tells you in which form the entries for the new field are to be made:


A number without any decimal places should be entered into the user-defined field.

Single selection

This user-defined field only has the values “yes” or “no” at your disposal.


Single or multi-row texts are supposed to be able to be entered into the user-defined field.

Selective list

The user-defined field offers a drop-down menu. You can use a further step to define the values for the drop-down menu.

  1. Group: You can enter a group if the user-defined field is to belong to this group.

  1. The following information can be saved in the Basic Settings area.

Display name

The field will be displayed in the reservation / guest profile using this name.

Group (optional)

The name of the group to which the user-defined field belongs. Only to be entered, if desired.

Read only

Select this check-box in order to activate the write protection for this field.

Mandatory field

Select this check-box in order to mark this user-defined field as a mandatory field. It will be mandatory for the user to fill out this field. A guest profile or reservation will not be able to be created should this field remain empty.

Description (optional)

Enter a text which describes the field more clearly (optional).

  1. Depending on which type was selected in step 5, the available settings will vary in the Field value area (see respective paragraph in the “field value” chapter).



Enter a new standard value. The user-defined field will be preset using this value.

Add an additional validation area: What is the number range of the value in this value area (minimum - maximum)?

Single selection

When using the single selection, you can only choose between the values yes / no (e.g., the answer to a question).

Example: Advertising requested?


Default value: Should the field be preset with a standard value? If yes, enter the desired text for the standard value here.

Multi-line: Set a check here if you want to allow texts with several lines.

Max length: What is the maximum number of characters a text is allowed to have?

Masking: The text will be hidden - for example for passwords.

Selective list

The selective list offers the user a prefabricated list to choose from.

List entries: Click the [+] symbol to add an entry to the list. The new entry <New Element> appears. Click it and enter the desired text afterwards.

Multiselect: If the user is to be able to select more than one entry from the list, place a check here.

Default value: Should the field be preset with a standard value? If yes, select the desired entry here.

Click [Apply] and then [OK] in order to save all of your entries.

User defined fields for Membership cards

[System data > User defined fields > Membership cards]

Click the little gray arrow  in front of the membership cards entry:

Subsequently, all of the membership cards which you have created in the system data (> guest profiles) will be displayed.

Click on the membership cards, when wanting to create general information, i.e., fields which are to be saved for ALL cards:

Click on the self-created membership cards, when wanting to compile a field especially for this card.

Click the [+] symbol in the lower left.

Enter the desired information (passcode and type):

Subsequently, an additional window will appear. This is where you can add additional properties for the new field, for example if it is to be write-protected, if it is a mandatory field, etc...

Related information

You can find more about creating membership cards here: System data > Profiles > Codes > Membership cards

How to allocate certain membership cards to your guest will be explained in more detail here:Guest profile > Extended > Membership cards.

User defined fields for room types

[System data > User defined fields > Room type]

You can create user defined fields for your room types, which enables you to store additional information such as alternative room type descriptions, etc.

  1. Open the system files and click User-defined Fields

  2. Select the Room type element from the tree-view.

Fig.: System data > User-defined fields > Room type

  1. Click the [+] symbol. A user-defined field is created for your room types.

  2. Proceed with step four as described in section "Add new fields" above.

If you wish to print the UDF, please insert the following replacement code into the respective template: ${entry.catObject.udf.identifier} - "identifier" has to be replaced by the respective identifier of the UDF.