You can find the updated instructions for them in the new protel Air Online Help. Please note: The migration process is still ongoing. Therefore you may still be able to use some functions as described in this Online Help. For this reason, we will not delete this Online Help yet. If you have any questions, please contact your support!
Multi-Currency deals with an
add-on which must be activated by the protel Cloud Support or
your protel partners. If you would like to use Multi-Currency
in your business, ask your protel Air partner or contact us here
at protel at:
The following article will take you through the steps needed for setting up Multi-Currency.
Multi-Currency is only supported in the HTML5 version of protel Air's Front Office! |
First, you will need to create the currencies which will be accepted in the hotel. These settings can be found in the system data for the HTML 5 version under"My property" in the "Currencies" tab.
Open System data > Hotel management > My property > Currencies tab.
Create the currencies accepted in your hotel
by clicking the Add button.
Make sure that you have created the local hotel currency as a Standard
currency. Select the currency and click the [Set
as default currency] button located in the lower right corner of
the window:
[System data > POS > Items]
When offering items in a foreign currency, create this item in the respective currency, see following figure:
a currency not yet been set for an item, the hotel's currency
is always the currency used for this item (that is the currency
which has been set as default currency in the system data). When
a hotel is switched to multi-currency, the default value is initially
valid for all items.
note that a package is only allowed to be compiled with
items of the same currency!
[System data > POS > Payment methods (Flash)]
A method of payment for the respective currency must exist for each currency accepted in your hotel or used for currency exchanges. For this reason, a currency can be allotted to the method of payment in the system data. Determine at least one method of payment for each currency.
a currency has not yet been set for a method of payment, the hotel's
local currency is valid for the respective method of payment.
For example, if you accept US dollars at your hotel, you will need to create a foreign currency for the respective method of payment (e.g.: CASH - US$ or American Express - US$).
Even for the currency exchange, a method of payment must exist and needs to be made available in the currency exchange program for each currency accepted at your hotel (see next step).
At least one method of payment must exist and marked respectively for the foreign currencies that are to be exchanged in the currency exchange program - see following illustration.
[POS > Payment methods (Flash)]
The respective method of payment must be made available in the Front Office, in the cash registers, and in the Cheque/Currency exchange.
Should several foreign currencies be bought or sold, at least
one method of payment will need to be created for each foreign
Valid currency rates will need to be generated for the currency exchange - see following section.
[Cash register > Currency exchange]
The exchange rates can be entered as soon as all of the currencies and the respective method of payments have been generated This is done in the HTML version of protel Air under Cash Register > Exchange rates.
For each currency, enter an exchange rate to be used for the automatic calculation.
You can find detailed information here.
When converting from one currency to the other, the question about which deadline is to be used for calculating the room rate, often arises. In protel Air, a central system setting decides how the deadline is to be determined for the exchange rate:
The exchange rate can be automatically frozen at a specific time. The frozen date is then the reference for the exchange rate.
When is the exchange rate frozen?
The day when down payment or advance
payment is received:
Has a payment or an info-invoice been booked before arrival, the
exchange rate will be designated on the day of payment/info-invoice
for the entire reservation. In such a case, the exchange rate
valid on the day the down payment, advanced payment, or info-invoice
has been made issued.
Upon arrival
Has a payment not yet been booked for the reservation, the exchange
rate will be set for the entire length of stay during check-in.
The exchange rate entered into the system on the date of arrival
is then the official exchange rate.
The freezing of the exchange rate has the advantage that reservations with identical conversion amounts can be invoiced (one exchange rate for the entire reservation).
Note: When an exchange rate is frozen for a group reservation, the rate cannot be "unfrozen" for a single reservation within the group. In other words: Once frozen reservations within a group remain frozen.
If the exchange rate is not frozen, the exchange rate valid on the day of the booking always applies.
system setting for determining the exchange rate can only be set
by protel Cloud Support during the installation of Multi-Currency.
[System Data > Reservation> Rates > Advanced pricing]
When offering a rate using a foreign currency, (e.g., for an international booking portal), you can create the respective rate in the desired currency.
note that foreign currency rates can only be set up in the framework
of the Advanced pricing (System Data > Rates > Advanced
pricing) List-based (simple) rate codes can only be generated
using the local hotel currency.
Define an exact currency for each rate which has been created via advanced pricing. The currency is set in the rate's overview - see following illustration:
In the advanced pricing, a difference is made between room rate calculation and item calculation. In the room rate calculation, the sole room rate is entered without taking the various possible conditions into consideration. For article calculations, create all of the additional charges which you would like to sell with a rate code.
No currencies can be set in the room rate calculations. Room rates automatically adopt the currency from the superordinate rate.
All of the items to be booked can be created in any currency. If it is booked, the respective amount will be automatically converted into the currency of the rate code and then booked.
have room rates with up to date exchange rates, it is important
to create all the items in a single article calculation with the
currency used for the room rate. Exception are items such as "city
tax" which should always use the local currency.
[System data > Documents > Templates]
The following text replacement keys can be used to export the amount using the respective currency to invoices and booking confirmation texts:
${item.ATTotalAmount.exchangeInfo}: exports the respective amount in the respective currency
${item.ATTotalAmount.exchangeRateString}: exports the underlying exchange rate.
Please adjust your templates in the Flash Client accordingly.
[Reservation > Daily Rates]
The settings in the daily rates are always valid in the currency used for the respective rate code.
[System data > Reservation > Rate availability]
Rate settings in the rate availability are always valid in the currency used for the respective rate code.
the currency of the respective rate code is always valid, it is
recommended that you always create rate availabilities with a
single rate code or a set of rate codes using the same currency.
[Office > Reporting]
Currently, all of the reports will always be created in the currency
used by the hotel.
In principle, rates will be exported in the currency of the respective rate codes.
Bookings connected cash register interfaces will always occur in the hotel's local currency. It is therefore important to make sure that, when using interfaces, the bookings occur in the same (local) currency.
Exchange rates are constantly changing and that is why the exchange value of the local currency also fluctuates. That is why exchange rate differences are unavoidable. Exchange rate differences are not accounting errors, but rather an adjustment that is necessary in order to coordinate bookkeeping and fluctuations in the exchange rate.
It is best to post exchange rates as either a gain or a loss on the respective item.
For this reason, create an "exchange gain" and "exchange loss" item in the system data.